Thoughts on Shamanism
Many of us highly sensitive people have the subconscious experience of trying to reconcile incredible energy into a nervous system that isn’t trained and conditioned to be able to wield such energy.
What does this mean?
On the positive side there is creative ability and emotional depth but it often comes along with an overactive mind which comes with anxiety, depression et c.
We live in a society whwhich is more geared toward material gain than spiritual health,
which encourages regurgitative behavior and following along over figuring things out for oneself and forging ones own path.
The result of living for the mind over the body and certainly everything over the soul is a nervous system that needs to be soothed with spiritual practice and care-taking of the body in order to allow this latent energy to flow through the entire being rather than spinning circles in the mind.
We must get back into our bodies in order to quiet the mind and listen to the wisdom of our own soul.
This allows us to walk in truth and manifest the highest extent of our expression. Through Shamanism we reestablish a connection with the earth elements as well as those who came before us in order to define that which is truly important in life and remember who we truly are, underneath it all.
Shamanic techniques vary and can be as simple as feeling ones feet on the ground. Please ask if you’d like to know more.